Pop Réalisme, Isokon Architecture, Inchoate Schematics, and Asemic Abstractions

Remy Dean
Published in
5 min readFeb 1, 2022


Announcing the February Exhibition at signifier : six : shot : gallery

David Armes on ‘The Inchoate Schematic’

Although Armes situates much of his work within the fine art printmaking tradition, the work in the ‘Inchoate Schematic’ series is a little different. Initially begun during a 2018 residency at a remote studio in Norfolk, the series comprises one-off ‘drawings’ made in response to Bruno Munari’s ‘Design As Art’ essays, with a particular prompt being Munari’s ‘Useless Machines’.…

continue reading and see the art at . Six . Shot . Gallery .

Signifier’s Six Shot gallery showcases just six images linked by aesthetics, techniques, processes, philosophies, formal or conceptual elements. The accompanying statement by the artist may not necessarily explain the work but will help build a deeper and more meaningful engagement with it.

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Writing to Escape the Words

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When Art Went Pop! in the USA

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From the archives of Signifier, February 2020:

Looking at ‘Las Meninas’ Looking at Us

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If you know anyone who enjoys reading “imaginative fiction at its best”, you can further support our editor and curator, Remy Dean, by recommending or purchasing their latest novel, This, written with Zel Cariad and published by The Red Sparrow Press.

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Remy Dean

Author, Artist, Lecturer in Creative Arts & Media. ‘This, That, and The Other’ fantasy novels published by The Red Sparrow Press. https://remydean.blogspot.com